

No matter who you are or where this journey through life is taking you there will, undoubtably, come a time where you will stumble upon a crossroads and forced to make a decision.


Becoming Perfect

Interested in learning how you can become perfect? Well you’ve made it to the right place. Today, I’m going to teach you how anyone can become perfect.

Becoming Perfect

Social Distancing

While it is important to distance ourselves from each other to prevent the spread of disease we need to remember not to keep our distance from the one who truly matters. Jesus.

Social Distancing

A Voice

No matter who you are, where you are, where you’ve come from or where you’re going. No matter the color of your skin, your ethnicity, or who you vote for. No matter what your interests are or your position in life, you do have a voice!

A Voice


What do you desire most in life? Is it fame? A promotion? Higher grades in school? The next Marvel movie? A new car or a home? It’s okay to want something but when your wants start to become your priority and take control of your direction in life then it’s time to do some re-evaluating.
