Loving the Unlovable

If ever there's a time we must adhere to the Word of God allow the words to sink into our life it's when God himself provides commandments to His people.

John 13:34-35 says this โ€œA new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.โ€


God never said that we had to like each other but He did command us to love one another, not just those closest to us and not only when we feel like it but to LOVE EVERYONE AT ALL TIMES! Yes, that includes those who have wronged us or hurt us and often times during moments where we don't feel like loving or showing compassion.

As children of God we ought to have a desire in our hearts to be like more like Christ and follow the example of the love He shared for the world. God wants us to have that same love and compassion towards each other as He has for us. He wants us care about those who are hurting and love those who intentionally hurt us. To forgive the unforgivable and show mercy to the undeserving.

I'm not saying it's easy and sometimes it may not even be fair but the more we love God and draw closer to Him the more Christ works in our life and our actions and our thoughts begin to exemplify His love in our interactions with others. Allow God to soften your heart, to mold you and give you peace through difficult times and show compassion and mercy to the unlovable and to the people who hurt you. Don't let another grudge ruin your relationship with God and with others. Love when it hurts because Christ took all that hurt to love you!

๐Ÿ“Wahclella Falls

Create(d) for Christ