Let Go and Let God

When we try and control our own destiny we gradually begin to push God out of the picture.

By making choices out of emotion and relying on your own will you are essentially telling God that you don't need Him anymore but when we choose to let go of the grasp we have our life and allow God to control the direction than He will do more than what we are capable of with our own might.


Our God is bigger than any problem, His power and His love for you is endless therefore He is capable of doing far greater things through you than you are capable of doing without Him. Don't keep God out of the picture, don't let distractions, pride or shame keep you from reaching out to God. Allow Him to change you and do a work within you to achieve the impossible.

Proverbs 3:5-7 says this "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord , and depart from evil."

God doesn't want to simply be a part of your life, He desires to be at the core; establishing a personal relationship with you. When we chose to allow God to control our life we are putting all our faith in Him and acknowledging that He knows what is best. Stop holding back. Stop pushing God away. What you want is not as important as what God wants for your life. Spend time in the Word, grow and fellowship with Him. It's time to let go have faith that He can and will do great things through you!

πŸ“Diablo Lake

Create(d) for Christ