God vs. the World

Imagine for a second, a moment, that standing in front of you is God the Lord of heaven and earth, maker of this universe, with His nail pierced hand reaching out to you…

But behind you lies a world full of your friends, your entertainment, your guilty pleasures, your work, your hobbies, your food, your distractions, or that private stache of whatever. Do you reach out and grab the hand holding out, longing for you or do you turn back to the life of comfort and temporary pleasures?


The Lord of heaven and earth, maker of this universe, with His nail pierced hand reaching out to you but behind you lies a world full of your friends, your entertainment, your guilty pleasures, your work, your hobbies, your food, your distractions, or that private stache of whatever. Do you reach out and grab the hand holding out, longing for you or do you turn back to the life of comfort and temporary pleasures?

One day, just like in Sodom and Gomorrah, we will have the same opportunity and the same fate. God is coming and right now is the only time you’ll have to determine how you’ll want to spend eternity. Unfortunately, when that judgement day comes, it won’t be a yes or no question. God isn’t going to ask you how you want to spend eternity or ask what you’ve done for Him but rather He is going to examine your heart. Do you have a desire for Him or for what the world has to offer?

The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were a wicked and lost their way and their only goal was making sure they were happy. Before destroying the city God gave the people an opportunity to turn to Him, but they rejected Him. They were selfish and thought only of themselves. Although Lot lived a sinful life, in his heart he desired God and in the end wanted others to follow Him. While Lot’s wife appeared on the outside as one who loved God, inside, she desired the world. Your relationship with God, does not depend on your actions but on the desires of your heart.

Luke 17:32-33 says this “Remember Lot's wife. Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.”

If you are reading this then you still have time to search your heart and determine what you desire most. You still have time say yes to the Lord and welcome Him into your heart. Your relationship with God begins when you believe that Christ died on the cross for your sins and rose again to bring you hope and save your soul.

John 3:16 says this “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Don’t be like Lot’s wife, appearing on the outside as though you have a love for God but on the inside being enticed by the world with temporary pleasures but rather reach out to God and desire to be a part of His family and spend eternity with Him in His Kingdom!

Create(d) for Christ