Why Not You?

No person is too small, too different or unimportant to make a difference in this world. Who says God can’t use you to impact or change the world?

As we journey through the Gospel we uncover many miraculous stories of how God uses the lives of His children to make the biggest impact!


One of which is Moses, a man who felt as though he was not good enough to lead the people out of Egypt due to his poor speech and disbelief but God used Him in a monumental way, impacting thousands of lives. God helped Moses see that through Him all things were possible!

Exodus 4:10-12 says this “And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue. And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.”

Moses doubted God himself and couldn’t believe that God would use a simple, unimportant individual like himself to do His work but God used Moses in a truly great way so that we may learn from his life. Trust God and let Him use you to make a difference in this world.

Your life has purpose and meaning and when you give it to God, He can and will do the unimaginable. When we attempt to take life into our own hands and follow our own plans we miss out on the opportunities and blessings God may have for us. Don’t ever think for a second that you aren’t insignificant enough to be used by God, even the smallest rock can make the biggest ripple.

Just like God used Moses, Joseph, Noah and many others God can use you to impact a generation. Your life has purpose, it’s time to allow God to give your life meaning and change the world through you! No feat is too big for God, no giant too great and no storm too powerful! God created the heavens and earth and when you have God on your side, nothing is impossible!

📍Rattlesnake Ledge

Create(d) for Christ