
New Year, New Me right? Wrong. You’re still the same you that God created. The same unique, talented, passionate individual who was born with purpose.

The only difference is, you now have a whole new year to make a positive impact in this world. The opportunity to make a change, make mistakes and ultimately make a difference.


Philippians 4:13 says this “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

You don’t have to go into this new year feeling alone or without purpose. There is hope in Christ and if you believe and trust in Him then He will strengthen you. God promises to be by your side as long as you have faith. There is no mountain too tall, no fear to great, nor feat unattainable for our God.

New Years Resolutions have a tendency to get put off and forgotten about within the first month of the year. Don’t let doubts, fears or lies keep you from achieving those goals. On our own we may be able to accomplish something great but with God at your side you can do incredible things! If you want to accomplish the impossible, ask God for help.

Whatever challenges you have coming your way this year, keep Christ at the center of your life. Start your day with Him and end your day thanking Him. God loves you and want’s to do great things with your life. He desires to see you grow, develop and overcome challenges just as much as you but it all starts by surrounding your life in His love.

Don’t let your challenges defeat you this year. Improving yourself begins by improving your walk with God, the closer you are to Him the more you can accomplish through Him. Be filled with prayer, be daily in His world, keep yourself accountable but most of all keep your heart centered on Christ. With Him NOTHING is impossible!

📍Vance Creek Bridge

Create(d) for Christ