
New Year. New Adventures. New Resolutions. New Challenges. New Experiences. New goals.

Same God. Same Passion. Same Purpose.

2017 will be a year dedicated to pursuing God in all aspects of my life, growing deeper in our relationship together! While it may seem as though I have simply given up and moved on by neglecting to post the first week of this year, I’ve actually portioned off that time to consume myself in the word of God.


How does one develop their relationship with a friend or family member? You spend time with that individual in close and constant communication. The same approach must be applied if we desire to grow in our relationship with God. Prayer and the word of God are the avenues of communication we have to fall deeper in love with our Savior.

One way I have challenged myself this new year to help develop my relationship with God, is to read the Bible completely through the year. I'm ashamed to admit this is something I have never completed but this year that is going to change! I'm dedicated to learning more about God and nothing can keep me from accomplishing this goal. To help keep myself accountable of my reading I have created @photobible365 .. an account that is focused on reading and sharing the Bible entirely through while also challenging my creativity by capturing a unique photo on a daily basis!

John 1:1-4 says this "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men."

God wants us to have a healthy relationship with Him. He wants us to grow, learn and love. What better way than to spend time in His word and in prayer. Loving others, starts by loving God and to love God we need to know Him. Don't wait another day to truly experience the love of God in your life!

Create(d) for Christ