
What an honor it is to serve a God that desires to use us and continues to stir the fire in our hearts when we choose to serve and stay focused on Him.

There has been 39 days in the year so far and already I'm completely in awe of what God is doing in my life. All that He has accomplished and what He continues to do amazes me on a daily basis.


Sure, there have been numerous pit falls along that way that have caused me to stumble or worry. I may be struggling with a vehicle that barely gets me from point a to point b or have an unexpected, enormous, electricity bill to deal with but those are man made problems and God will always provide when we keep Him first. Rather than getting upset or lose faith during those hard times, trust God and praise Him for putting trials in your life. God doesn't want you to go at it alone but rather to have total faith in Him!

Earlier this year I set a goal for myself, to read the Bible all the way through while taking and sharing a new picture every day. I'm beyond grateful that God has been there every step of the way and has helped me pursue this goal and achieve it on a daily basis.

I used to be the type who made up excuses or found myself being "too busy" to read God's Word but then I realized that if I wanted to be a stronger Christian and have a more intimate and meaningful relationship with God that it meant I had to put Him first and make the time.β €β €

Don't go through life being distracted or trying to find things to keep you busy so much that you begin to slip away from God. Keep your focus on Him and if you do so He will make everything else fit into your schedule. I'm a huge fan of organization and prioritizing and the moment I learned to keep God at the center, everything else seemed to fit perfectly into the puzzle.

Matthew 6:33 says this "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Keep God in the center of your life, make Him the priority and dedicate your life as well as your time to growing in Him and pursuing the life He has prepared for you!

πŸ“Hurricane Ridge

Create(d) for Christ