Walk with God

There is nothing more important than your personal relationship with God.

I understand that many of you have fears; wondering how you’re going to put food on the table or trying your hardest to stay healthy and safe in the midst of the chaos but if you keep God at the focus of your life and walk with Him than the your fears will fade and you will begin to experience His divine power working in you.


God chose this time to keep His people home for a purpose, not so that we would worry or be fearful of what’s to come but so that we learn to solely rely on Him; not allowing the media discourage us or give us false hope, not hoarding or seeking to control the situation but so that we would let go and trust in Him. Don’t take this moment for granted, use it to walk with Him and draw closer in a more intimate and deeper relationship with our Savior. 

The only way we will get through this is by having faith and trusting in Christ. He is the creator of our universe, He knows your past and desires to be a part of future. Open your heart today and seek Him not just for a moment but for a lifetime. Every thought and action should be one that brings glory to God and it all begins with your relationship with Him.

Here are some key components to help you in your walk with God:


First and foremost we must have an active and consistent prayer life with our God. I’m not talking about the kind of prayer that you quickly say before a meal or right before you fall asleep but the kind that makes you fall to your knees. The best form of communication we have with God is through prayer. It is through prayer that we can make the biggest difference! Not just in our own life but as we pray for the lives and hearts of others. Challenge yourself in your prayer life, talk to God as much as possible and be specific with your prayer. Treat God like a friend, He wants to hear from you and communicate with you. Don’t just spew out words and demand requests but talk to Him. Draw closer to Him and allow Him to speak to you. 

Romans 12:12 says this about Prayer: “Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer”


There’s no better guide we have in understanding our Lord than the Word of God. The Bible is the perfect resource for every question, concern and trial we’ll ever have in our life. It is through the Word of God that we find truth, hope and the knowledge of Christ. If your goal is to grow in your relationship with God then you ought to be daily in the Word, memorizing scripture and truly hiding God’s Word in your heart. The next time you’re met with trials or temptations quote scripture, you’ll be amazed at how God can quickly use the Bible to strengthen your soul and be there for you in time of need. The Bible also gives us an in depth look at Christ and His journey on this earth. He is the perfect example of how we ought to live and it is through Him that we find eternal life. Don’t let the Bible collect dust but allow the word of God to change you.

Romans 10:17 says this about the Gospel: "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."


There’s no greater time to worship God than right now. I know it may seem weird to think that in the midst of this turmoil we should be praising and worshiping God but we as Christians have so much to be thankful for, because our home is not here but in Heaven and we know that one day soon we’ll be with Him in Glory! Worshiping isn’t just about singing your favorite hymn or worship song but it’s honoring God with your everyday life and actions; when we love God we express that love to Him by worshipping Him through our life. Don’t be the kind of Christian who hides in their home behind a tv but be the kind of Christian that is excited to show God your love for Him by doing your best in every task and caring deeply for the well-being others whether they be your friends, family or neighbors. Let your love for God pour out of your life!

John 4:24 says this about Worship: “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

Friends, God loves you, no matter who you are or what your past looks like, I guarantee you that our God has a desire to show you how much He loves; He wants nothing more than to have a personal and intimate relationship with you. Don’t let your doubts or fears keep you from growing in His love and truth but allow those doubts and fears to be what draws you closer to Him. Now is the time to bow your head in prayer, open the Word of God and worship the Lord with your life. If you’re reading this, it’s not too late for you to say yes to Jesus and start focusing on your relationship with God. Don’t let another day go to waste, use this time to draw closer to Him. There’s no greater love than the one found in the arms of our Lord as we walk daily with Him.

Create(d) for Christ