His Plan for Your Life

Hope is trusting God and having faith that He not only knows what is best for your life but He desires the best for your life.

Wether you're stuck at a crossroads or unsure of what tomorrow may hold there's no reason to be anxious or allow the negative possibilities to bring unwanted stress or worry into your life. God is in control. He created this world and made you for a purpose because He loves you. Stop trying to figure it all out on your own and cast those cares on Him. Call out to God and give Him the chance to do an extraordinary work in your life.


Proverbs 3:5-6 says this "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

How do you expect God to show you what His plans are for your life if you're too busy making your own plans? Trust in the Lord with your WHOLE HEART and with your WHOLE LIFE, not just when you need Him or just when you've run out of options but come to Him first. Give God your life. Spend time with Him in prayer and get lost in the Word of God. The further you are from the world and the closer you are with God the more His plans and purpose for your life will become apparent. Breathe. God is in control!

πŸ“Ruby Beach

Create(d) for Christ