Gray Area

Gray Area. The so called safe area that is siding with neither end of the spectrum.

Having no particular interest in living fully in the Word or fully in the world but choosing to be neutral in your walk. An area in which God does not desire for us to live within.


Matthew 6:24 says this: “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

Simply put we cannot have one foot in the world and another foot in love of God. Either we choose to serve God with our entire life or we are living for ourselves in the world. God didn’t create us so that we can live an easy breezy life walking amongst the world as if nothing is different, only going to church on Sundays and coming to God when we need. No. God created us to live a glorious life in His name, walking down the path He has created specifically for us.

When we fully commit ourselves to God and strengthen our relationship with Him, we begin to discover a new found joy in the world, a love for one another and connection with Christ that we cannot explain. God did not send His son to this earth to simply die for no purpose but to save you and I, to give us hope and purpose!

As christians we ought to have a desire to love the world through our relationship with God, not a desire to be like the world and blend in, but to stand out and show the world that there’s something sweet about being a child of God. Evaluate your own life, are your choices and decisions fully glorifying God or do they fall in a gray area. Seek the Bible for truth and wisdom. No matter what, trust in the fact that you can always come to the Lord with any issue and He will help guide you every step of the way!

📍Dash Point Park

Create(d) for Christ