
I’ve partnered with Colgate to share my story behind a #ColgateSmile and hopefully inspire you to share your smile, not just on #WorldSmileDay but every day!

I’m sure you have heard the saying “a smile goes a long way” and the fact of the matter is this, although we will never fully know the depth of a smile there’s no doubt that it can brighten a day or be a ray of hope to someone in need but for a smile to impact a life it has to first change you, so go out there and do what you love and let that smile glow on your face!

Photography and adventures in scenic destinations always put the biggest smile on my face! There's nothing quote like capturing life's beautiful moments! What makes you smile? Share that with @Colgate by posting a photo of your smile and tagging #ColgateSmile for a chance to be featured on their new Instagram account! Go out there and find what makes you happy, then smile.

Create(d) for Christ