Dear Christians,

It’s time to ask yourselves, what is most important in your life?

Social media has become a land of chaos lately, one post after another, we vocalize our opinion or position on a cause. Which, don’t get me wrong, is important. But ask yourself, are you as passionate about sharing the Gospel with your friends and family as you are about a cause that you are fighting for.


As children of God we were left with one very crucial mission and that is to reach the world with the Gospel. Mark16:16 says this “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Are YOU doing your part to reach the world with the Gospel? When was the last time you spoke about God in a conversation with your friends and family? When was the last time you shared how God has impacted your life? If someone was to follow you on social media, would your love for God be apparent?

We are ambassadors of Christ, it is our responsibility and quite honestly, should be our desire to reach the world with the Gospel.

2 Corinthians 5:20 says this “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ.”

So let me ask you again.. what is most important in your life? If it’s not your relationship with God or your desire to share the Gospel then maybe it’s time to do some re-evaluating.

Now, I know I’m not your pastor nor do I know the desires of your heart but I do know this; the Bible is our sole authority and when God sent His Son to this earth He gave us the perfect example of how we are to live. Jesus spent His whole life on earth reaching thousands by preaching and sharing the truth. Witnessing and testifying.

Yes, it’s important to take a stand and fight for a cause, but isn’t the hearts and souls of this world far more important? When we impact the heart and soul of an individual we make a difference not just in their current life but for all eternity.

There’s nothing more substantial in your life than your testimony; how God has impacted your life is far more important than any cause. Use your voice, share your testimony, reach out and let the world know just how amazing your God truly is!

📍Dr Jose P Rizal Bridge

Create(d) for Christ